Dungeon Crawl Classics Buffalo

Mutant Crawl Classics RPG rulebook

I am currently running public, "open table" games of Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG and associated games, in Buffalo, New York. These games are free and open to everyone. We are currently playing Mutant Crawl Classics RPG, a post-apocalyptic science-fantasy spin-off of DCC RPG, but we will probably switch to a new "minicampaign" every few months, so as to sample the variety of campaign settings and spin-off games within the DCC RPG umbrella.

DCC RPG is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying game that plays like old school D&D but much wilder and off the wall! No experience necessary, and you can drop in and out of the game as your schedule permits - no long term commitment necessary. Newcomers are always welcome at any game.

Mutant Crawl Classics RPG is set uncounted centuries after a global cataclysm, the red and bloated sun hanging heavy in the emerald skies. Dense jungles cover the lands between the radioactive glow deserts. Fearsome mutated creatures abound. In this harsh and uncharted world, the few remaining sentient lifeforms struggle to survive in a rudimentary Stone Age level of civilization. Pure strain humans (whose genomes have become hardened against mutation) join together with their mutant cousins, as well as with sentient, bipedal mutated animals and plants. As their coming of age approaches, the young hunters and gatherers of the village prepare for their Rite of Passage, a quest into the unexplored ruins of the Ancient Ones in search of useful artifacts that survived the Great Disaster so long ago...

We generally play on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, from 1 PM to 5 PM at:

Casual Dragon Games
3908 Maple Road
Amherst, NY 14226

We have a Facebook group set up for event announcements, etc., at DCC Buffalo on Facebook.

I also post announcements to an informal mailing list at DCCBuffalo@gmail.com.

If you are in the Western New York area, I invite you to get in touch, or just stop by and join a game!

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